Parker Shotgun Trojan 12 Gauge

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SOLD   Trojan grade Parker 12 gauge with 30 inch barrels. Nice clean Parker with with nice wood the stock is 14 7/8 including an old 1″ pad, the pad is very old and needs to be replaced. The stock dimensions are drop at butt is 2 3/4  drop at comb is 1 5/8. Both barrels are full with .045 constriction . Case Color is about 55 to 60% and bluing on the barrel is about the same. The rib has been drilled for a bead and some one already installed a bead about two inches away. This is a nice shooter and not collector quality.  Price $1100.00.

Parker Shotgun Trojan 12 Gauge

Parker Shotgun Trojan 12 Gauge

By in 12 Gauge

2 Responses to “Parker Shotgun Trojan 12 Gauge”

  1. Robert Says:

    what is the value of my side by side Parker Brothers shotgun 12 gauge in excellent physical condition, nothing missing, stock and fore arm has original finish in good condition
    the gun
    has the following on the gun
    Damascus steel
    date 1878

    Sn# 79790

  2. Bud Says:

    My records show you have a 12 Gauge Grade 2 or G grade with 30″ Barrels.

    Contact me and I can help with an appraisal.


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